From Coq Require Import ZArith String Program.Equality Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
From WiSE Require Import lang.imp relations.
From WiSE Require Import lang.imp relations.
Simple Symbolic Execution for IMP
Symbolic Evaluation
Update a symbolic store
Definition sym_update (s : sym_store) (x : ident) (e : aexpr) : sym_store :=
fun y => if (y =? x)%string then e else s y.
fun y => if (y =? x)%string then e else s y.
Compose a store and a symbolic store
Definition comp (env : store) (s : sym_store) : store :=
fun x => aeval env (s x).
Infix "∘" := (comp) (at level 70, no associativity).
Lemma comp_id :
forall env, comp env id = env.
now apply functional_extensionality.
fun x => aeval env (s x).
Infix "∘" := (comp) (at level 70, no associativity).
Lemma comp_id :
forall env, comp env id = env.
now apply functional_extensionality.
Symbolic evaluation of arithmetic expressions
Fixpoint sym_aeval (s : sym_store) (e : aexpr) : aexpr :=
match e with
| Var x => s x
| Cst c => e
| Add e1 e2 => Add (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
| Sub e1 e2 => Sub (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
match e with
| Var x => s x
| Cst c => e
| Add e1 e2 => Add (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
| Sub e1 e2 => Sub (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
Symbolic evaluation of boolean expressions
Fixpoint sym_beval (s : sym_store) (e : bexpr) : bexpr :=
match e with
| Bcst b => e
| Ble e1 e2 => Ble (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
| Beq e1 e2 => Beq (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
| Band e1 e2 => Band (sym_beval s e1) (sym_beval s e2)
| Bnot e => Bnot (sym_beval s e)
match e with
| Bcst b => e
| Ble e1 e2 => Ble (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
| Beq e1 e2 => Beq (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
| Band e1 e2 => Band (sym_beval s e1) (sym_beval s e2)
| Bnot e => Bnot (sym_beval s e)
Substitution lemma (arithmetic)
Lemma aeval_comp:
forall env senv e,
aeval (env ∘ senv) e = aeval env (sym_aeval senv e).
induction e; simpl; auto.
- now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
- now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
forall env senv e,
aeval (env ∘ senv) e = aeval env (sym_aeval senv e).
induction e; simpl; auto.
- now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
- now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
Substitution lemma (boolean)
Lemma beval_comp:
forall env senv e,
beval (env ∘ senv) e = beval env (sym_beval senv e).
induction e; simpl; auto.
- now do 2 rewrite aeval_comp.
- now do 2 rewrite aeval_comp.
- now rewrite IHe.
- now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
forall env senv e,
beval (env ∘ senv) e = beval env (sym_beval senv e).
induction e; simpl; auto.
- now do 2 rewrite aeval_comp.
- now do 2 rewrite aeval_comp.
- now rewrite IHe.
- now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
Composing with an updated symbolic store is the same
as composing with the initial symbolic store and then
do a (regular) update
Lemma comp_update:
forall env senv e x,
env ∘ (sym_update senv x (sym_aeval senv e)) =
update (env ∘ senv) x (aeval (env ∘ senv) e).
apply functional_extensionality. intros y.
unfold comp, sym_update, update.
destruct String.eqb; subst; auto.
fold (comp env senv).
now rewrite aeval_comp.
forall env senv e x,
env ∘ (sym_update senv x (sym_aeval senv e)) =
update (env ∘ senv) x (aeval (env ∘ senv) e).
apply functional_extensionality. intros y.
unfold comp, sym_update, update.
destruct String.eqb; subst; auto.
fold (comp env senv).
now rewrite aeval_comp.
Symbolic Semantics
A small step symbolic semantics for IMP
Inductive sym_step : sym_state -> sym_state -> Prop :=
| sym_step_Aff s π x e ve :
sym_aeval s e = ve -> sym_step (π, s, Aff x e) (π, sym_update s x ve, Skip)
| sym_step_Seq π1 π2 s1 s2 c1 c2 c3 :
sym_step (π1, s1, c1) (π2, s2, c2) -> sym_step (π1, s1, Seq c1 c3) (π2, s2, Seq c2 c3)
| sym_step_Seq_Skip s c :
sym_step (s, Seq Skip c) (s, c)
| sym_step_Ite_true π s e c1 c2 :
sym_step (π, s, Ite e c1 c2) (Band π (sym_beval s e), s, c1)
| sym_step_Ite_false π s e c1 c2 :
sym_step (π, s, Ite e c1 c2) (Band π (Bnot (sym_beval s e)), s, c2)
| sym_step_Loop_true π s e c :
sym_step (π, s, Loop e c) (Band π (sym_beval s e), s, Seq c (Loop e c))
| sym_step_Loop_false π s e c :
sym_step (π, s, Loop e c) (Band π (Bnot (sym_beval s e)), s, Skip).
| sym_step_Aff s π x e ve :
sym_aeval s e = ve -> sym_step (π, s, Aff x e) (π, sym_update s x ve, Skip)
| sym_step_Seq π1 π2 s1 s2 c1 c2 c3 :
sym_step (π1, s1, c1) (π2, s2, c2) -> sym_step (π1, s1, Seq c1 c3) (π2, s2, Seq c2 c3)
| sym_step_Seq_Skip s c :
sym_step (s, Seq Skip c) (s, c)
| sym_step_Ite_true π s e c1 c2 :
sym_step (π, s, Ite e c1 c2) (Band π (sym_beval s e), s, c1)
| sym_step_Ite_false π s e c1 c2 :
sym_step (π, s, Ite e c1 c2) (Band π (Bnot (sym_beval s e)), s, c2)
| sym_step_Loop_true π s e c :
sym_step (π, s, Loop e c) (Band π (sym_beval s e), s, Seq c (Loop e c))
| sym_step_Loop_false π s e c :
sym_step (π, s, Loop e c) (Band π (Bnot (sym_beval s e)), s, Skip).
Reflexive Transitive Closure of sym_step
Lemma sym_step_step:
forall env senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
sym_step (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
step (env ∘ senv1, c1) (env ∘ senv2, c2).
dependent induction H; subst.
- rewrite comp_update.
now econstructor.
- econstructor.
simpl in H0.
now eapply IHsym_step.
- econstructor.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
now rewrite beval_comp.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
rewrite beval_comp.
now apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
now rewrite beval_comp.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
rewrite beval_comp.
now apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.
forall env senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
sym_step (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
step (env ∘ senv1, c1) (env ∘ senv2, c2).
dependent induction H; subst.
- rewrite comp_update.
now econstructor.
- econstructor.
simpl in H0.
now eapply IHsym_step.
- econstructor.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
now rewrite beval_comp.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
rewrite beval_comp.
now apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
now rewrite beval_comp.
- simpl in H0.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
rewrite beval_comp.
now apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.
Monotonicity of path constraints over 1 step
Lemma sym_step_path:
forall env π1 senv1 c1 π2 senv2 c2,
sym_step (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
beval env π1 = true.
intros * H1 H2.
dependent induction H1; auto; simpl in *.
- eapply IHsym_step; eauto.
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
forall env π1 senv1 c1 π2 senv2 c2,
sym_step (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
beval env π1 = true.
intros * H1 H2.
dependent induction H1; auto; simpl in *.
- eapply IHsym_step; eauto.
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
- now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
Monotonicity of path constraints over 0 or more steps
Lemma sym_steps_path:
forall env X Y,
sym_steps X Y ->
forall π1 senv1 c1 π2 senv2 c2,
X = (π1, senv1, c1) ->
Y = (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
beval env π1 = true.
intros env.
refine (star_ind _ _ _ _ _).
- now intros * -> [=->->->] H.
- intros [[π1 senv1] c1] [[π2 senv2] c2] [[π3 senv3] c3].
intros H1 H2 H3 * [=<-<-<-] [=<-<-<-] H.
eapply sym_step_path; eauto.
forall env X Y,
sym_steps X Y ->
forall π1 senv1 c1 π2 senv2 c2,
X = (π1, senv1, c1) ->
Y = (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
beval env π1 = true.
intros env.
refine (star_ind _ _ _ _ _).
- now intros * -> [=->->->] H.
- intros [[π1 senv1] c1] [[π2 senv2] c2] [[π3 senv3] c3].
intros H1 H2 H3 * [=<-<-<-] [=<-<-<-] H.
eapply sym_step_path; eauto.
sym_steps is sound with respect to steps.
This lemma is an (equivalent) reformulation of sym_steps_steps
that makes the pattern of star''s induction principle explicit.
Lemma sym_steps_steps_aux:
forall env X Y,
sym_steps X Y ->
forall senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
X = (π1, senv1, c1) ->
Y = (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
steps (env ∘ senv1, c1) (env ∘ senv2, c2).
intros env.
refine (star_ind _ _ _ _ _).
- intros * -> [=->->->] _.
- intros [[π1 senv1] c1] [[π2 senv2] c2] [[π3 senv3] c3].
intros * H1 H2 IH * [=<-<-<-] [=<-<-<-] H3.
eapply sym_step_step; eauto.
eapply sym_steps_path; eauto.
eapply IH; auto.
forall env X Y,
sym_steps X Y ->
forall senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
X = (π1, senv1, c1) ->
Y = (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
steps (env ∘ senv1, c1) (env ∘ senv2, c2).
intros env.
refine (star_ind _ _ _ _ _).
- intros * -> [=->->->] _.
- intros [[π1 senv1] c1] [[π2 senv2] c2] [[π3 senv3] c3].
intros * H1 H2 IH * [=<-<-<-] [=<-<-<-] H3.
eapply sym_step_step; eauto.
eapply sym_steps_path; eauto.
eapply IH; auto.
Lemma sym_steps_steps:
forall env senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
sym_steps (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
steps (comp env senv1, c1) (comp env senv2, c2).
intros * H1 H2.
eapply sym_steps_steps_aux; eauto.
forall env senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
sym_steps (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
beval env π2 = true ->
steps (comp env senv1, c1) (comp env senv2, c2).
intros * H1 H2.
eapply sym_steps_steps_aux; eauto.
sym_step is a sound semantics to simulate initial execution paths
Lemma symex_sound:
forall π env senv p1 p2,
sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p1) (π, senv, p2) ->
beval env π = true ->
steps (env, p1) (comp env senv, p2).
intros * H1 H2.
pose proof sym_steps_steps env _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2.
now rewrite comp_id in H.
forall π env senv p1 p2,
sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p1) (π, senv, p2) ->
beval env π = true ->
steps (env, p1) (comp env senv, p2).
intros * H1 H2.
pose proof sym_steps_steps env _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2.
now rewrite comp_id in H.
A symbolic state ⟨π, senv, p⟩ is said to simulate a concrete state
⟨env, p'⟩ wrt to initial store env0 iff env0 satisfies
the path constraint π, and p = p', and the concrete
store env is obtained by composing the initial store env0 and the
symbolic store senv.
Definition sim (env0 : store) '((env, p') : store * IMP) '((π, senv, p) : sym_state) :=
beval env0 π = true /\ env = comp env0 senv /\ p = p'.
Notation "e @ s1 ≃ s2" := (sim e s1 s2) (at level 80).
beval env0 π = true /\ env = comp env0 senv /\ p = p'.
Notation "e @ s1 ≃ s2" := (sim e s1 s2) (at level 80).
We can build a simulation diagram over step and sym_step:
For every step step p p' such that sim p q, there exists q' such
that sym_step q q' and sim q q'.
Lemma step_simulation_diagram:
forall env0,
simulation step sym_step (sim env0).
intros env0.
refine (step_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
- intros env x e ve <- [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ & -> & ->).
repeat econstructor; auto.
now rewrite comp_update.
- intros env1 env2 p1 p2 p3 Hstep IH [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ & -> & ->).
assert (Hsim : sim env0 (comp env0 senv1, p1) (π1, senv1, p1)) by easy.
specialize (IH _ Hsim) as ([[π2 senv2] p2'] & H1 & (Hπ2 & -> & ->)).
repeat esplit.
+ econstructor; apply H1.
+ red; auto.
- intros env p [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Seq_Skip.
+ red; auto.
- intros env e p1 p2 He [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Ite_true.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
- intros env e p1 p2 He [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Ite_false.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
- intros env e p He [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Loop_true.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
- intros env e p He [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Loop_false.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
Lemma sim_init:
forall env p, env @ (env, p) ≃ (Bcst true, id, p).
forall env0,
simulation step sym_step (sim env0).
intros env0.
refine (step_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
- intros env x e ve <- [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ & -> & ->).
repeat econstructor; auto.
now rewrite comp_update.
- intros env1 env2 p1 p2 p3 Hstep IH [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ & -> & ->).
assert (Hsim : sim env0 (comp env0 senv1, p1) (π1, senv1, p1)) by easy.
specialize (IH _ Hsim) as ([[π2 senv2] p2'] & H1 & (Hπ2 & -> & ->)).
repeat esplit.
+ econstructor; apply H1.
+ red; auto.
- intros env p [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Seq_Skip.
+ red; auto.
- intros env e p1 p2 He [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Ite_true.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
- intros env e p1 p2 He [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Ite_false.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
- intros env e p He [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Loop_true.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
- intros env e p He [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
repeat esplit.
+ apply sym_step_Loop_false.
+ red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
Lemma sim_init:
forall env p, env @ (env, p) ≃ (Bcst true, id, p).
The simulation diagram step_simulation_diagram can
be iterated and therefore extended
to a diagram over steps and sym_steps
Theorem steps_simulation_diagram:
forall env0,
simulation steps sym_steps (sim env0).
apply star_simulation, step_simulation_diagram.
Theorem symex_complete:
forall env p s,
steps (env, p) s ->
exists s',
sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) s' /\
env @ s ≃ s'.
intros * H.
now eapply steps_simulation_diagram; eauto.
Definition potential_bug (s s' : sym_state) : Prop :=
let '(path, env, prog) := s' in
sym_steps s s' /\ error prog.
Definition relatively_sound_bug_finding:
forall prog0 path senv prog,
potential_bug (Bcst true, id, prog0) (path, senv, prog) ->
forall env0,
beval env0 path = true ->
imp.bug (env0, prog0) (env0 ∘ senv, prog).
intros * [H1 H2]. split; auto.
eapply symex_sound; eauto.
Definition complete_bug_finding:
forall env0 prog0 env1 prog1,
imp.bug (env0, prog0) (env1, prog1) ->
exists π senv prog,
potential_bug (Bcst true, id, prog0) (π, senv, prog) /\
sim env0 (env1, prog1) (π, senv, prog).
intros * [([[π senv] prog1] & [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]])%symex_complete H5]; subst.
exists π, senv, prog2.
repeat split; auto.
Definition Reach '(p : IMP) '(σ : store * IMP) : Prop :=
exists V0, exists σ', sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) σ' /\ V0 @ σ ≃ σ'.
Definition HasBug (p : IMP) : Prop :=
exists σ, Reach p σ /\ Stuck σ.
Definition IsBug (p : IMP) (σ : store * IMP) : Prop :=
Reach p σ /\ Stuck σ.
Definition BadInput (p : IMP) (V0 : store) : Prop :=
exists σ, exists σ', sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) σ' /\ V0 @ σ ≃ σ' /\ Stuck σ.
Theorem Reach_sound:
forall p σ, Reach p σ -> imp.Reach p σ.
intros p0 [V p].
intros (V0 & [[φ S] p'] & [Hsteps [Heq1 [-> ->]]]).
exists V0.
rewrite <- (comp_id V0) at 1.
eapply sym_steps_steps; eauto.
Theorem Reach_complete:
forall p σ, imp.Reach p σ -> Reach p σ.
intros p0 [V p].
intros (V0 & Hsteps%symex_complete). red.
exists V0. apply Hsteps.
Theorem HasBug_correct:
forall p, HasBug p <-> imp.HasBug p.
intros p. split.
- intros [σ [Hreach%Reach_sound Hstuck]].
now exists σ.
- intros [σ [Hreach%Reach_complete Hstuck]].
now exists σ.
Theorem IsBug_correct:
forall p σ, IsBug p σ <-> imp.IsBug p σ.
intros p σ. split.
- now intros [Hreach%Reach_sound Hstuck].
- now intros [Hreach%Reach_complete Hstuck].
Theorem BadInput_correct:
forall p V0, BadInput p V0 <-> imp.BadInput p V0.
intros p0 V0. split.
- eintros ([V p] & [[φ S] p'] & [Hsteps [[Heq1 [-> ->]] Hstuck]]).
exists (V0 ∘ S, p). split; auto.
eapply symex_sound; eauto.
- eintros (σ & (σ' & Hsteps & Hequiv)%symex_complete & Hstuck).
now exists σ, σ'.
forall env0,
simulation steps sym_steps (sim env0).
apply star_simulation, step_simulation_diagram.
Theorem symex_complete:
forall env p s,
steps (env, p) s ->
exists s',
sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) s' /\
env @ s ≃ s'.
intros * H.
now eapply steps_simulation_diagram; eauto.
Definition potential_bug (s s' : sym_state) : Prop :=
let '(path, env, prog) := s' in
sym_steps s s' /\ error prog.
Definition relatively_sound_bug_finding:
forall prog0 path senv prog,
potential_bug (Bcst true, id, prog0) (path, senv, prog) ->
forall env0,
beval env0 path = true ->
imp.bug (env0, prog0) (env0 ∘ senv, prog).
intros * [H1 H2]. split; auto.
eapply symex_sound; eauto.
Definition complete_bug_finding:
forall env0 prog0 env1 prog1,
imp.bug (env0, prog0) (env1, prog1) ->
exists π senv prog,
potential_bug (Bcst true, id, prog0) (π, senv, prog) /\
sim env0 (env1, prog1) (π, senv, prog).
intros * [([[π senv] prog1] & [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]])%symex_complete H5]; subst.
exists π, senv, prog2.
repeat split; auto.
Definition Reach '(p : IMP) '(σ : store * IMP) : Prop :=
exists V0, exists σ', sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) σ' /\ V0 @ σ ≃ σ'.
Definition HasBug (p : IMP) : Prop :=
exists σ, Reach p σ /\ Stuck σ.
Definition IsBug (p : IMP) (σ : store * IMP) : Prop :=
Reach p σ /\ Stuck σ.
Definition BadInput (p : IMP) (V0 : store) : Prop :=
exists σ, exists σ', sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) σ' /\ V0 @ σ ≃ σ' /\ Stuck σ.
Theorem Reach_sound:
forall p σ, Reach p σ -> imp.Reach p σ.
intros p0 [V p].
intros (V0 & [[φ S] p'] & [Hsteps [Heq1 [-> ->]]]).
exists V0.
rewrite <- (comp_id V0) at 1.
eapply sym_steps_steps; eauto.
Theorem Reach_complete:
forall p σ, imp.Reach p σ -> Reach p σ.
intros p0 [V p].
intros (V0 & Hsteps%symex_complete). red.
exists V0. apply Hsteps.
Theorem HasBug_correct:
forall p, HasBug p <-> imp.HasBug p.
intros p. split.
- intros [σ [Hreach%Reach_sound Hstuck]].
now exists σ.
- intros [σ [Hreach%Reach_complete Hstuck]].
now exists σ.
Theorem IsBug_correct:
forall p σ, IsBug p σ <-> imp.IsBug p σ.
intros p σ. split.
- now intros [Hreach%Reach_sound Hstuck].
- now intros [Hreach%Reach_complete Hstuck].
Theorem BadInput_correct:
forall p V0, BadInput p V0 <-> imp.BadInput p V0.
intros p0 V0. split.
- eintros ([V p] & [[φ S] p'] & [Hsteps [[Heq1 [-> ->]] Hstuck]]).
exists (V0 ∘ S, p). split; auto.
eapply symex_sound; eauto.
- eintros (σ & (σ' & Hsteps & Hequiv)%symex_complete & Hstuck).
now exists σ, σ'.
What it means to be a concrete state denoted by
a symbolic state