
From Coq Require Import ZArith String Program.Equality Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
From WiSE Require Import lang.imp relations.

Simple Symbolic Execution for IMP

Symbolic Evaluation

Symbolic stores are simply substitutions (of variable with expressions)
Definition sym_store :=
  ident -> aexpr.

Definition id : sym_store := fun x => Var x.

Update a symbolic store
Definition sym_update (s : sym_store) (x : ident) (e : aexpr) : sym_store :=
  fun y => if (y =? x)%string then e else s y.

Compose a store and a symbolic store
Definition comp (env : store) (s : sym_store) : store :=
  fun x => aeval env (s x).

Infix "∘" := (comp) (at level 70, no associativity).

Lemma comp_id :
  forall env, comp env id = env.
  now apply functional_extensionality.

Symbolic evaluation of arithmetic expressions
Fixpoint sym_aeval (s : sym_store) (e : aexpr) : aexpr :=
  match e with
  | Var x => s x
  | Cst c => e
  | Add e1 e2 => Add (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
  | Sub e1 e2 => Sub (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)

Symbolic evaluation of boolean expressions
Fixpoint sym_beval (s : sym_store) (e : bexpr) : bexpr :=
  match e with
  | Bcst b => e
  | Ble e1 e2 => Ble (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
  | Beq e1 e2 => Beq (sym_aeval s e1) (sym_aeval s e2)
  | Band e1 e2 => Band (sym_beval s e1) (sym_beval s e2)
  | Bnot e => Bnot (sym_beval s e)

Substitution lemma (arithmetic)
Lemma aeval_comp:
  forall env senv e,
    aeval (env senv) e = aeval env (sym_aeval senv e).
  induction e; simpl; auto.
  - now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.
  - now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.

Substitution lemma (boolean)
Lemma beval_comp:
  forall env senv e,
    beval (env senv) e = beval env (sym_beval senv e).
  induction e; simpl; auto.
  - now do 2 rewrite aeval_comp.
  - now do 2 rewrite aeval_comp.
  - now rewrite IHe.
  - now rewrite IHe1, IHe2.

Composing with an updated symbolic store is the same as composing with the initial symbolic store and then do a (regular) update
Lemma comp_update:
  forall env senv e x,
    env (sym_update senv x (sym_aeval senv e)) =
    update (env senv) x (aeval (env senv) e).
  apply functional_extensionality. intros y.
  unfold comp, sym_update, update.
  destruct String.eqb; subst; auto.
  fold (comp env senv).
  now rewrite aeval_comp.

Symbolic Semantics

A symbolic state is a path constraint expressed as a bexpr, a symbolic store and a program to execute
Definition sym_state := (bexpr * sym_store * IMP)%type.

A small step symbolic semantics for IMP
Reflexive Transitive Closure of sym_step
Definition sym_steps := star sym_step.

sym_step is sound with respect to step
Lemma sym_step_step:
  forall env senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
    sym_step (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
    beval env π2 = true ->
    step (env senv1, c1) (env senv2, c2).
  dependent induction H; subst.
  - rewrite comp_update.
    now econstructor.
  - econstructor.
    simpl in H0.
    now eapply IHsym_step.
  - econstructor.
  - simpl in H0.
    apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
    now rewrite beval_comp.
  - simpl in H0.
    apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
    rewrite beval_comp.
    now apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.
  - simpl in H0.
    apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
    now rewrite beval_comp.
  - simpl in H0.
    apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H0 as [H1 H2].
    rewrite beval_comp.
    now apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.

Monotonicity of path constraints over 1 step
Lemma sym_step_path:
  forall env π1 senv1 c1 π2 senv2 c2,
    sym_step (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
    beval env π2 = true ->
    beval env π1 = true.
  intros * H1 H2.
  dependent induction H1; auto; simpl in *.
  - eapply IHsym_step; eauto.
  - now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
  - now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
  - now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].
  - now apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H2 as [H2 _].

Monotonicity of path constraints over 0 or more steps
Lemma sym_steps_path:
  forall env X Y,
    sym_steps X Y ->
    forall π1 senv1 c1 π2 senv2 c2,
      X = (π1, senv1, c1) ->
      Y = (π2, senv2, c2) ->
      beval env π2 = true ->
      beval env π1 = true.
  intros env.
  refine (star_ind _ _ _ _ _).
  - now intros * -> [=->->->] H.
  - intros [[π1 senv1] c1] [[π2 senv2] c2] [[π3 senv3] c3].
    intros H1 H2 H3 * [=<-<-<-] [=<-<-<-] H.
    eapply sym_step_path; eauto.

sym_steps is sound with respect to steps. This lemma is an (equivalent) reformulation of sym_steps_steps that makes the pattern of star''s induction principle explicit.
Lemma sym_steps_steps_aux:
  forall env X Y,
    sym_steps X Y ->
    forall senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
      X = (π1, senv1, c1) ->
      Y = (π2, senv2, c2) ->
      beval env π2 = true ->
      steps (env senv1, c1) (env senv2, c2).
  intros env.
  refine (star_ind _ _ _ _ _).
  - intros * -> [=->->->] _.
  - intros [[π1 senv1] c1] [[π2 senv2] c2] [[π3 senv3] c3].
    intros * H1 H2 IH * [=<-<-<-] [=<-<-<-] H3.
    eapply sym_step_step; eauto.
    eapply sym_steps_path; eauto.
    eapply IH; auto.

sym_steps is sound with respect to steps
Lemma sym_steps_steps:
  forall env senv1 senv2 π1 π2 c1 c2,
    sym_steps (π1, senv1, c1) (π2, senv2, c2) ->
    beval env π2 = true ->
    steps (comp env senv1, c1) (comp env senv2, c2).
  intros * H1 H2.
  eapply sym_steps_steps_aux; eauto.

sym_step is a sound semantics to simulate initial execution paths
Lemma symex_sound:
  forall π env senv p1 p2,
    sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p1) (π, senv, p2) ->
    beval env π = true ->
    steps (env, p1) (comp env senv, p2).
  intros * H1 H2.
  pose proof sym_steps_steps env _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2.
  now rewrite comp_id in H.

A symbolic state ⟨π, senv, p is said to simulate a concrete state env, p' wrt to initial store env0 iff env0 satisfies the path constraint π, and p = p', and the concrete store env is obtained by composing the initial store env0 and the symbolic store senv.
Definition sim (env0 : store) '((env, p') : store * IMP) '((π, senv, p) : sym_state) :=
  beval env0 π = true /\ env = comp env0 senv /\ p = p'.

Notation "e @ s1 ≃ s2" := (sim e s1 s2) (at level 80).

We can build a simulation diagram over step and sym_step: For every step step p p' such that sim p q, there exists q' such that sym_step q q' and sim q q'.
Lemma step_simulation_diagram:
  forall env0,
    simulation step sym_step (sim env0).
  intros env0.
  refine (step_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
  - intros env x e ve <- [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ & -> & ->).
    repeat econstructor; auto.
    now rewrite comp_update.
  - intros env1 env2 p1 p2 p3 Hstep IH [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ & -> & ->).
    assert (Hsim : sim env0 (comp env0 senv1, p1) (π1, senv1, p1)) by easy.
    specialize (IH _ Hsim) as ([[π2 senv2] p2'] & H1 & (Hπ2 & -> & ->)).
    repeat esplit.
    + econstructor; apply H1.
    + red; auto.
  - intros env p [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
    repeat esplit.
    + apply sym_step_Seq_Skip.
    + red; auto.
  - intros env e p1 p2 He [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
    repeat esplit.
    + apply sym_step_Ite_true.
    + red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
  - intros env e p1 p2 He [[π1 senv1] p1'] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
    repeat esplit.
    + apply sym_step_Ite_false.
    + red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
  - intros env e p He [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
    repeat esplit.
    + apply sym_step_Loop_true.
    + red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.
  - intros env e p He [[π1 senv1] p1] (Hπ1 & -> & ->).
    repeat esplit.
    + apply sym_step_Loop_false.
    + red; simpl. now rewrite <- beval_comp, He, Hπ1.

Lemma sim_init:
  forall env p, env @ (env, p) (Bcst true, id, p).

The simulation diagram step_simulation_diagram can be iterated and therefore extended to a diagram over steps and sym_steps
Theorem steps_simulation_diagram:
  forall env0,
    simulation steps sym_steps (sim env0).
  apply star_simulation, step_simulation_diagram.

Theorem symex_complete:
  forall env p s,
    steps (env, p) s ->
    exists s',
      sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) s' /\
      env @ s s'.
  intros * H.
  now eapply steps_simulation_diagram; eauto.

Definition potential_bug (s s' : sym_state) : Prop :=
  let '(path, env, prog) := s' in
  sym_steps s s' /\ error prog.

Definition relatively_sound_bug_finding:
  forall prog0 path senv prog,
    potential_bug (Bcst true, id, prog0) (path, senv, prog) ->
    forall env0,
      beval env0 path = true ->
      imp.bug (env0, prog0) (env0 senv, prog).
  intros * [H1 H2]. split; auto.
  eapply symex_sound; eauto.

Definition complete_bug_finding:
  forall env0 prog0 env1 prog1,
    imp.bug (env0, prog0) (env1, prog1) ->
    exists π senv prog,
      potential_bug (Bcst true, id, prog0) (π, senv, prog) /\
      sim env0 (env1, prog1) (π, senv, prog).
  intros * [([[π senv] prog1] & [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]])%symex_complete H5]; subst.
  exists π, senv, prog2.
  repeat split; auto.

Definition Reach '(p : IMP) '(σ : store * IMP) : Prop :=
  exists V0, exists σ', sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) σ' /\ V0 @ σ σ'.

Definition HasBug (p : IMP) : Prop :=
  exists σ, Reach p σ /\ Stuck σ.

Definition IsBug (p : IMP) (σ : store * IMP) : Prop :=
  Reach p σ /\ Stuck σ.

Definition BadInput (p : IMP) (V0 : store) : Prop :=
  exists σ, exists σ', sym_steps (Bcst true, id, p) σ' /\ V0 @ σ σ' /\ Stuck σ.

Theorem Reach_sound:
  forall p σ, Reach p σ -> imp.Reach p σ.
  intros p0 [V p].
  intros (V0 & [[φ S] p'] & [Hsteps [Heq1 [-> ->]]]).
  exists V0.
  rewrite <- (comp_id V0) at 1.
  eapply sym_steps_steps; eauto.

Theorem Reach_complete:
  forall p σ, imp.Reach p σ -> Reach p σ.
  intros p0 [V p].
  intros (V0 & Hsteps%symex_complete). red.
  exists V0. apply Hsteps.

Theorem HasBug_correct:
  forall p, HasBug p <-> imp.HasBug p.
  intros p. split.
  - intros [σ [Hreach%Reach_sound Hstuck]].
    now exists σ.
  - intros [σ [Hreach%Reach_complete Hstuck]].
    now exists σ.

Theorem IsBug_correct:
  forall p σ, IsBug p σ <-> imp.IsBug p σ.
  intros p σ. split.
  - now intros [Hreach%Reach_sound Hstuck].
  - now intros [Hreach%Reach_complete Hstuck].

Theorem BadInput_correct:
  forall p V0, BadInput p V0 <-> imp.BadInput p V0.
  intros p0 V0. split.
  - eintros ([V p] & [[φ S] p'] & [Hsteps [[Heq1 [-> ->]] Hstuck]]).
    exists (V0 S, p). split; auto.
    eapply symex_sound; eauto.
  - eintros (σ & (σ' & Hsteps & Hequiv)%symex_complete & Hstuck).
    now exists σ, σ'.

What it means to be a concrete state denoted by a symbolic state
Definition Concrete '(σ : sym_state) :=
  fun σ' => exists V0, V0 @ σ' σ.